Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ding! Its Re-Up Time...could be tough.

My Sprint contract is up again, for me and the whole fam-dam-ily. My last negotiation with Sprint went nicely with some better than average deals on a Sprint Mogul, 700wx and a couple of Katanas for the kids along with some nice concessions on monthly rates. I went from 2 lines to 4 and dropped my payment $25/month.

Overall, I like Sprint. The coverage and cost have been good to us. But there are some dark forces at work and I think this re-up could be spendy.

First up on the side of the dark forces is the Palm Pre. I'm interested...IF it can live up to the hype. Windows Mobile has grown a little long in the tooth and I don't see it making any game changing progress with version 6.5. But the Pre requires an Everything Plan. Could be rough, especially if my wife likes it too.

Next up are the kids who I am going to hook up with data this year. Along with phones that have easy access to Google Calendar without being full on smartphones. No idea how this is going to factor in with the whole Everything Plan.

Finally, we may add the in-laws if its economically beneficial for us all and assuming we can find a nice simple phone with a nice big screen. Do you have any idea how hard that is?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, get the Pre, you won't be sorry. Nice blog.

The ACK said...

Yeah, I hope your right. But I have decided that I won't be trying to bust down any doors on launch day to try and snap one up. I think I am gonna lay in the weeds and see how the reviews look. New OS, new hardware...too many unknowns